One of the things that bothers me about #BLM and most of the people saying the US is hopelessly racist towards blacks and there's systemic racism, etc., is they are giving up on American Values without really trying.
Is racism the cause of your lack of success if you aren't trying anymore?
I spent most of my 20s extremely poor.
I made a lot of bad financial decisions.
"The system" kept me down by making it hard to assemble the capital to start making investments.

But I kept grinding.
The decisions I made that got me out of poverty and on the road to becoming a literal millionaire were available to anyone at all, and could NOT be stopped due to race.

I invested in real estate, delayed gratification, bought everything on clearance, and avoided interest charges
My first investment was very small.
But any extra money I got, I put into the mortgage.
So that I had enough equity to refinance to get the down payment for something bigger/better.
And then rented out the first for more than the mortgage.
But if you try something and it doesn't work, you don't plop down on your ass and cry racism.

You get up and try again.
And if it still doesn't work, you don't plop on your ass and cry racism.

You get up and try something else.
And you keep trying new things.

You ask those who are successful and model their success.
but there is no guaranteed success. What worked for someone else might not work for you due to personality and discipline.

But when you fail, you look FIRST to your own failures, inadequacies, and shortcomings.

Then fix them.

Then try again with your new knowledge/skills.
All this "systemic racism" bullshit is just an excuse for people who expect to be successful without paying their dues first.

They want automatic, quick success.

They don't get it, they start looking around for free/easy cash, like Reparations.
It's all bullshit.

I won't even credit them with a good faith argument about racism anymore, until they show me exacly how much they've worked, sacrificed, and delayed gratification, and tried new things when the first few didn't work.
Yes, it's hard to overcome obstacles in life.

But the obstacles are *life*, not racism.
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