At the age of 15 years old Hinata Shoyo promised Kageyama Tobio that he will stay on the same court as him for the whole time and 10 years later he’s by his side at the top of the world.

I do not think this is the fulfilment of his promise.
at first i thought the reason why frdt decided to bring back kghn wins/losses counting didn’t have a deeper meaning behind it but i was wrong
ch401 is called promiseS

in this chapter we see a lot of different characters fulfilling different promises towards other people and themselves (beside @/alachat_ made a beautiful thread about this go read it), about kghn tho i think the plural is really important
hinata made his very first promise to kags on ch1. but when did we get introduced in their wins/losses counting? on ch.37, also the chapter in which hinata re-made his promise to kageyama.
hinata first said “i’m gonna be the one who gets to stay on the court longer than anybody else”

on ch37 he added “IN THE END, the one who’s gonna finally beat you it’s me”
SA vs BJ match is the first official match between kghn. He can finally beat him now, as he promised. Hinata wins. Yet what he decided to say is “It’s 1096 wins for me and 1100 losses.”
the panel right after -thanks frdt’s amazing composition- is the subtle way they are using to tell us this all. Yachi said “It’s over” but Tsukki replies “Over? Hardly. This is only the first game of the season.”

Yes, for us it’s over. But for our mcs is def not.
Hinata’s promise to Kageyama trascends volleyball. “It’s games and practices and all the other contests we’ve had since high school.” Who arrives first at the gym in the morning or in the bathroom, who gets more balls while cleaning the gym up, who eats faster, who jumps-
higher, who fights the biggest wild animal, who beats the other on an arm wrestling contest, who plays more games even if it’s not between them “I haven’t added my beach volleyball games yet! Should i add all the pickup games too?” “If you do i’m adding all my scrimmages”
kghn’s promise is the very core, heart and soul of their relationship. On ch.37 Hinata promised Kageyama that in the end (of their lives) the one who’s gonna beat him it’s him.
Hinata promised Kageyama their fates will revolve around each other forever.
He promised him eternity.
in conclusion: yes furudate you invented the term genius

this was def obvious for a lot of people but now that i put it into words i can rest in peace
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