It's perfectly simple right?
There is one thing to wear a face cover as s guideline.
And there is one where it's mandatory like school uniform.
The right to choose has been taken away!
Take the risk not wearing one.
Or take the safe option?
Simple choice right?
But it ISN'T a simple choice is it?
It's ambiguous.
Before June 15th - a choice on public transport.
Now it's mandatory.
Social distancing (so TIRED of hearing that phrase FFS) 2m.
YET, by the 24th of this month MANDATORY wearing in shops while STILL 2m apart!
Don't you get it yet?
Pathways are one way only.
You go through a synchopated form of routine.
Wear mask.
Cleanse hands & trolley / Basket.
Shop 2m apart.
Some shops limited numbers allowed inside at any one time.
What choice is there?
It's inconvenience.
All it has been since summer 2010 is inconvenience.
An added one or two extra steps to your way of life.
Slowly over the years, you do more while your government does LESS.
Do you know why my profile says "Fetch Fido"?
Cos we are all pets fetching a stick for #Johnson & Dom.
I dunno about you but quite bluntly I am sick & tired of playing fetch for people who hate my & your guts.
There are laws forbidding controlling behaviour.
And here we are, locked up like dancing bears beaten to perform!
We are freshly caught mice for giant cats to troll!
Where is your freedom now?
How can this be freedom when you are not allowed s simple choice to live your life as you damn please?
If you choose to smoke, drink, take recreational drugs like our PM does.
Then you should choose to wear a cover.
It ISN'T about #COVID19 anymore twitter.
It's about stopping freedoms you enjoyed before lockdown.
We are living in a STALINIST totalitarian kleptopcracy now.
There is no endgame.
There is no finish line.
And unless you stop being apathetic, this WILL be your future!
This is NOT the musings of a madman.
Because THE madman is the one who sits in his bunker.
While taking thirty miles trips for an eye test (bitch please!).
Prices have risen.
Jobs are being lost enmassé.
Your freedom is curtailed.
Do the right thing.
You can follow @BlackCloud1966.
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