1/ I think I have @realDonaldTrump figured out: He views being president as being the “star” of the number one reality show. He thinks it all revolves around him and that everyone involved caters to him. The tragedy of it all...
2/ ...is that he has no concept of having been elected to “serve” the people and has no capacity to perform service to anyone but himself. His every choice has been transparently wrong. He has vilified media, upon which his soul depends...
3/ ...and thrives, because the mainstream media has seen him for exactly what he is: A sham, a phony and a fraud. He now sees that his show is about to be cancelled, and he is desperately trying to win over an audience that has been deserting him in droves.
4/. His appearance has deteriorated, his decisions have become incomprehensibly damaging to himself and the country. His spokespeople are mocked and repudiated because they reek of the desperation of an addled, harassed man.
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