ITALY: Herd Imunity 3d 1/4

1) suppose there is one
2) at R0=3 in no actions, Herd immunity threshold is 67%
3) normally u go to 80% (overshooting)
4) assume cross reactivity, luck, whatever so HI is at 40%

In Italy 24mln people
say 22mn assuming seroprevalence is 8% circa
on the 22mn people assume 2.2 mln hospitalizations &
400K ICU

6027 hospitalĂČization a day for 1 year (365d)
1095 ICU a day

in 25 days of uncontroled spread we are fucked

Hospitals overwhelmed
let say we manage keeping the curve flat at health resources limit.

dont know how, but we do it

Average ospitalisation stay 2,5 weeks then u die or survive

Time to Herd Immunity: (2.2mln:90.0000 hospital beds)*2,5 weeks

61 weeks
no suppose we are not lucky and we do need 80% of population

Your turn.......

I would'nt go Sweeden , besides ethics


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