Gonna copy Ren because this day is a good day to thank and cherish all the incredible non-binary people in my life, whomst I am blessed to know.
I can't make two seperate tweets because they are both so so special to me, but I will make several tweets in a row. @AsheEmber and @peregrinechant are two of my dearest friends. Met at university, these two kept me going through so much and I am so so so thankful of them
@AsheEmber Is insightful and smart, and a perfect balance to my work in all forms. Together we built an entire world, but they made it make sense. They've helped me so much, and listening to me spout bullshit is something I could never thank them enough for. Love you Alice.
@peregrinechant Gods, perry. The light you bring into my life? The joy? The spark, the love and laughter and hope and gentleness? Happiness unending. Your character insight and narrative structure teaches me new things to this day, and I treasure every moment with you. (ouob)
@FoxtrotLuna You are so kind to me, and so unyieldingly generous, and whats more your skills are incredible! So many , with an amazing knack for teaching and guidance. I will always want the best for you, as you do for those around you. You're incredible.
@alyphen_ Ren, I am eternally grateful you put up with my bullshit. As already stated, you are remarkable. Smart and funny and patient and humble. Skilled beyond question, patient beyond reason, and inspiring beyond all that words can describe. I give you a small plastic cube.
@MazHem_ Such drive! Such passion and reassurance and support and strength. I cannot believe I know you, you are always such a spark, and you feel so safe to be with. So warm and bright and uplifting, with incredible shitposting abilities. We gonna play TeeKO again soon <3
fuck im crying uh @HarrisonGowland You shitposting bastard, you are a fucking DELIGHT, pal. It's always wonderful to talk to you, you always have an ability to make me laugh and your authorial voice is so clear and distinct and truly truly great. I cannot wait to see where you go
@le_onionboi the boy himself, onion onion onion looking onion boi is a treat to have in my life, funny and insightful and a great amount of fun, constantly.

not to mention BLINDINGLY handsome i mean have you seen this onion lad?

makes that good good gay shit <3
@Ragepyro arrr ye be on them sails and while I dont catch your streams as much as I wish I could, they are ALWAYS a delight to be in. Funny, dedicated and warm, will always be thankful I know you, Milo
@BisTheFairy biggest nerd, biggest brain, tiny fairy steam train
bis u are a DELIGHT and whats more, have a greater understanding of sonk than is rightfully human, and u deserve both fear and love. i wish we could've hung out in person more than once, and i hope we do again soon
@OKthanksgames this glitch-wielding meatperson is a true delight to have on my delight. Oma 's work in archeogaming is such a forward-thinking move and one that is HIGHLY underappreciated. inspiring and moving, its always a joy to see them pop up on my feed ♥
aaaa im definitely forgetting ppl because there are so MANY AMAZING PEOPLE
@andimlenny POKEMON SENPAI Lenny was very kind to teach me some ropes of pokemon VGC and helped me build my first team. supportive, kind and without mercy for their foes! also taught me how2 sableye
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