One of the biggest failures of Congress in this moment was not passing a permanent paid sick leave bill & not providing 100% wage replacement in the Families First Act for parents who need to take leave for a COVID related reason.
Democrats have let Republicans run with this narrative that if you cannot work due to health or family reasons, you’re lazy. We let ppl gamble w/ their health & the health of others, all in the name of “hard work.” Enough!
So long as parents are only allowed 2/3’s rate of pay (max $200 a day) to take care of sick child, families will risk exposure to keep a roof over their head & food on the table.

It definitely begs the question of equity for school districts reopening w/ hybrid options.
When wealthy families opt for virtual instruction, while working class families send their children in-person — are we potentially furthering the disproportionate impact COVID has had on communities of color?
This is why I keep harpering on the need for DCPS to proactively communicate with stakeholders and have a plan. The responsibility is great & if we get it wrong, the impact can be generational.
I hate to be soapbox-y, but man. The sacrifices that we ask of low-and-moderate income people, while simultaneously demonizing their choices when they really have none, is frustrating AF.

We criminalize poverty when it’s govt policies framed as compromises that perpetuate it.
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