Happy Birthday fellow adoptee.Your sad & harrowing experience is unfortunately a similar legacy of many 1000s who have suffered complex trauma of family/ RC & Prot Church/ State pressure/coercion.My experience & friends assure me that your birth mother thinks of u everyday/ https://twitter.com/deirbhilesdaddy/status/1282931398068838400
especially your birthday.Its impossible for any mother to forget giving birth regardless of circumstance. Bear in mind countless scenarios to which she/others may have endured incl rape, sexual abuse, extra marital affairs incl by religious clerics etc. I know that parents
disowned/ exiled forever their pregnant daughters due to primitive societal & religious pressures. Any of us born outside wedlock, and our birth mothers were castigated. As children we were classed " illegitimate", a term still attached to us as bastards. Many children were
neglected & starved to death as,we were seen as products of sin by religion.If we were deformed, disabled, unable to be sold etc we we were nothing so sentenced to death. Buried in unknown places, in multiple/ mass graves in unmarked graves up & down this island. Many pregnant
women travelled to England for abortions ( sound familiar?) for abortions or to hand over babies to English and or Prot adoptive parents to AVOID being institutionalised in Irish penitentaries aka Mother& Baby/ Magdalen gulags. Birth mothers by draconian law CANNOT look for their
baby. Many dont & will never know what happened to their children due to legislation, closed adoptions, forced adoptions, illegal adoptions. Many children were registered as the natural children of adoptive parents. Criminal but truth. Many adoptees will never know they are
Adopted. US navy ships changed the christian names of babies and replaced them with miltary ranks on ship manifests e.g. Sergeant, Private, Major , to get them to the US and adopted. The Catholic & Protestant Churches sold 1000s kids to international families. Salvation Army &
Dr Barnados forcibly migrated 1000s of kids to Oz, Canada, US, South Africa, Europe for nearly 100 years. Many birth mothers and babies were subjected to non consensual, unknown drug and vaccine trials. Given daily medication like sedatives etc but never knew the purpose.
Many birth mothers like mine, remember nothing of their months/ years long detention in institutions. I showed my birth mother photos of Marianvale, Mother& Baby/Magdalen institution and she recognised NOTHING despite 8 months there. PTSD? YES, but undiagnosed to this day.
As adoptees, we have unquestionably suffered psychological/emotional trauma as babies in the womb and afterwards. Substance addiction is 10 times more likely for those separated at birth. I have yet to meet an adoptee or birth mother without perpetual , innate consequences of
Their experiences. As adoptees, we are expected to be grateful for trauma just because some had the fortune to be saved and reared by good adoptive parents. NOTHING justifies birth separation regardless of outcome. The law incredibly does not recognise trauma of a child pre one
Years of age. This amongst archaic adoption legislation requires urgent change. Not every adoptee wants a relationship with a birth parent but we are entitled to original identity as a human right. We are entitled to genetic/medical history for ourselves and our children. This
Matters, this could be life saving. Very little in life is simplistic. Birth separation, adoption etc is highly complex. The context, the background, the history of us all involves myriad issues. Are you adopted? How much do you know of your mother? Given the stigma, shame,
Secrecy, criminality, illegality, coercion, blackmail, depths of depravity of religious orders, State compliance and collusion....do you really know your origins?
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