i don't even want shit to happen anymore but apparently it is. like, sigh. i've been demonized to so many people and like i don't even know how i can stop it (without giving in and like being forced to "apologize" for nothing)

i'm like kinda starting to get annoyed.
i don't even wanna bring drama into public at all, but people are being put in a bad light for like, idk, doing what's right? and it honestly, sucks. because i may have done some things wrong, but *they did more things*, honestly.
"Where's your proof?!?" I have so much. Hell, someone who listened to them and constantly antagonized us saw the proof right in from of them, and still didn't goddamn believe it. At this rate people venting about old stuff sparks flames again and I'm sick of it.
I'm like, actually tired, of this stuff that's going on. I could care less but like obviously here i am. At this rate I'm like getting forced back into the circle and it really sucks because all I want is to just like, let it go.
Listen. I know that you probably, hate my guts. If you don't, cool. But you probably do.
I just want you to know that I don't even want to goddamn continue this stupid ongoing drama. like, actually. it's getting so petty and frusterating
i'd be fine with it if you didn't vent about us to bunz heavily because she kept on saying things in rant and vent about "out of context" vents that were well, obviously directed to one of us.
I don't even want to make expose threads, that shit's fucking stupid, i just want you to learn your lesson from this, to finally say like "Oh hey, maybe I should stop doing this kind of thing" and let it fucking go.
legitimately, from what i've seen, you act like. well.
that your problems from the past can be "shrugged off" and you've got some nastily hypocritical behaviour.
but anyways, i won't get into too much detail because I really, do not care to. I just want some way to somehow tell you because i'm kinda, idk, just done.
and i know you're likely going to be mocking me and this thread, but honestly, eh. if you don't see the chance to let it goddamn go when you see it then you're taking a really dumb path. antagonizing old drama as is.
we only kicked bunz because of her being so petty about it.
anyways, to those who are reading this thread and don't understand, hi. sorry. i just, i need to half vent this out and half just spread information to at least d3 because i'm like, tired of it. deadass.
no i will not make an expose thread.
no i don't want the drama online.
i want it to stop.
i don't know what makes you stop trying to annoy us and demonize us to your friends, but i just don't need to be woken up and reminded every single moment of my life that i got on your bad side and that i did soooooo much bad /s
just like, stop. is all i ask.
if anyone involved with this does want any explanation for anything i may have done, you can ask, i guess. at this rate i guess i gotta explain myself for this if i've been put into bad light, legitimately i try my absolute best to be a nice person, but i know, as all humans, i'm
not the greatest.

anyways, just needed to vent and get this out there. i don't want to start drama, i just want to make it stop. this stuff that you're still so annoyed about happened months ago.
one last thing to add, i realize that you, d3, aren't even the worst one out of this because you haven't even blocked me, which i do respect, but you've made two people block me and a couple unfollow. so like, i know you get upset about this and all but like. old stuff. is old.
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