thread of threads: caveman edition!!
tbh gg priv was probs the best decision i cldve made HAHAHA bc only when we were priv did we both rly start to create all those amazingly wise threads (before this i js kept linking in the crackheads thread bc thats frs all we did initially...)
gosh ok the first.... time we had caveman talks (albeit a short one HAHAHA)
omg ok yea another short one but ofc we turned it into alcoholic talk ALSO the pic in this thread is what i used to make ur chugging sticker HAHAHAHAHA
flora and sean talks!
OK YES first proper long thread HAHAHA and its abt flora and sean weee
TEDTALK!!! ok ya i think this is the first thread we actl started to do like deeper thinking and all HAHAHA
ok yes thread of u being a motivational speaker HAHAHAHA
thread abt types! ofc dur our 8h long convo we proceeded to go sUPer into detail abt ours so er... HAHAHAHA
UR thread on types!!
ok i actl rmb this one... u basically renouncing infatuation and stuff HAHAHA uk btr now!!
self validation!! HAHAHA oh and omg is this whr u picked up "takes two to tango" frm HAHAHAHA uve actl been using it a fair bit recently cm to think of it (for um... OH- 😳😳 purposes too HAHAHAHA)
this thread ended in gifs HAHAHAHA but otherwise mmm letting go of the past yee HAHAHA
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