Frostheart Book 1 Cover - we (my designer @HungryMarv and I) chose our favourites from the thumbnail ideas and I worked them up to more realised roughs. We still didn't know which one we were going to use at this point, we were feeling our way through the designs... #Frostheart
Here's the colour thumbs for both the UK & N. American versions of Frostheart - Once I've got the cover sketch down, it's time to add some colour! I try a million different colour schemes in quick little thumbnails to get the general vibe & see which direction I want to go in...
For reference, here are the final two covers for both UK and North American versions of Frostheart - and the colours we ended up going with!
Doing these thumbnails helps me to be a little freer and more experimental when it comes to colours - not having to worry that I'm ruining a final piece or anything. It also saves a load of time on spending hours taking the cover in a direction I'll later turn back from.
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