1/ @PeterTatchell I am a survivor of csa, I‘ve spent years in support groups with other survivors, female & male, gay & straight, trans & gender non-conforming, I have read widely & supported & counselled survivors. https://twitter.com/RebBarrettNP/status/1280598710074986497?s=20
2/I’ve met mostly men, gay men, who have said their sexual assault in childhood was positive, only to recognise that this was a coping mechanism to mitigate the profound wounds of that trauma. Surviving csa is a lifetime battle.
3/Those victims who choose to erotize their sexual abuse are a risk to themselves & others. I include in that group, people like you who have repeatedly sought to condone & excuse the myth of consensual sex between minors & adults.
4/Why this should be your focus when the devestation of csa is all around you is beyond comprehension. How on earth you continue to be given a platform to make these offensive pronouncements is something to behold.
5/As abhorrent as your beliefs on this subject are, I thank you for reminding @trussliz that the agenda of too many within the modern LGBTQI++ movement is not only to smash the distinctions between male & female; it is also to smash the boundaries between adults & children.
6/Predatory men think their time has come: free access to women & their identities & to children in turmoil about their bodies & gender stereotypes, encouraged to believe they can consent in childhood to adult sexuality & sexual function.
7/ @trussliz what you decide this week can reverse the wilful erosion of child safeguarding norms & the deliberate sexualisation of children for adult agendas or it can accelerate it. I have never been more frightened for our future than I am now. Please help to undo this horror.
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