My 1st listen review of 2014 forest hill drive by j. Cole (my first ever music review)
Track 1-Intro 6/10
With a simple calming and relaxing piano, raw and emotional lyrics and vocals, this intro is an amazing start to what I believe is going to be an amazing album.
Track 2-January 28th 8/10
Cole talks about his rapping skills,his wealth and the way black lives are being treated.The verses are connected with a chorus that gives advice about aiming for the stars and keeping control. All of this is over a really nice and chill beat. 1/2
this track backs up my previous assumptions about the album. 2/2
Track 3-Wet dreamz 10/10
In this track J. Cole raps his first time plus the events and thoughts that lead up to the moment. The lyrics are somewhat relatable and there is some humour to the concept. So far this song is my favourite from what I’ve heard of the album so far 1/2
And I’m sure it’ll be a strong contender for my overall favourite. 2/2
Track 4- ‘03 adolescence 8.5/10
Cole raps about his high school self on this track, to hear his issues with self confidence and women makes him easier to relate to and makes him feel more human compared to the rich, rapper lifestyle image he has.He also raps about 1/2
An experience with a friend which makes him rethink his problems and makes him feel greatful. This track has an amazing and relatable message I really enjoyed, all of this over a beat I was not expecting to hear. 2/2
Track 5-A Tale of 2 Citiez 8/10
Cole raps from two different perspectives of the same city. The first is a writer who dreams of having a nice house and a pathfinder. He takes inspiration from the crimes occurring in the city to write his stories. 1/2
The second perspective is taking part in the crimes in the city. This track brings a modern take to the Charles dickens and is a great narrative. 2/2
Track 6-Fire squad 7/10
j. Cole speaks on his dominance in the rap game while also speaking on how everyone claims they are the king of rap. The boom bap beat was I nice surprise.
Track 7-St. Tropez 9/10
Cole aims to go to Hollywood but is hesitant on whether he should go claiming “I never been that high before” which he believes is not a good reason. He speaks on how his fame is affecting his relationships. This track was definitely a change from 1/2
The previous couple of tracks. This song somewhat reminded me of the intro. The singing vocals of the hook were really good and worked really well with the rest of the song. 2/2
Track 8- G.O.M.D. 9/10
The track begins as a more “mainstream” about drugs and crime this was a pleasant surprise that I definitely wasn’t expecting. Cole realises that he is changing and starts rapping about his more typical subjects of love and happiness. 1/2
Verse 3 accompanied by a beat change he speaks on stereotypes and how he is dominating. This track was not something I was expecting to hear but I’m sure glad I did. 2/2
Track 9-No Role Modelz 9/10
With many references to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air j. Cole questions what not having any role models growing up makes him. He also speaks on his hatred for reality tv stars. This song is amazing and an absolute classic.
Track 10-Hello 8/10
Cole decides to call a past love in what seems like a sweet love song but he finds out that she has moved on and has a family, he ponders how thing could have been different. This track fees very personal and elaborates on his lyrics about love 1/2
In other tracks on the album. The beat is reminiscent of the intro due to its somewhat simplistic piano. 2/2
Track 11-Apparently 7.5/10
j. Cole speaks on the love he has for his mother and the guilt he feels for leaving her, he also shows his love for his girl. In verse to he goes back to rapping about one of the common topics in this album which his how skilled he is how great of a 1/2
Rapper he is. The two different half’s of this song is reminiscent of G.O.M.D. 2/2
Track 12-Love yourz 8/10
This track gives off the message that you need to realise that there will always be better so you need to learn to be happy with what you’ve got. The message of this track is important and needs to be listened to.
Track 13-Note to Self 6.5/10
In this final track j. Cole speaks on how love is the only think that matters he uses most of the track as the credits for the album.
2014 forest hill drive is a story of a person (who I assume is j. Cole) and his progression of learning the true values in life. He goes from rapping and wealth and skill but as each track plays he starts to realise that wealth doesn’t matter and that 1/3
He should be focusing on love. I came into this with almost no experience with j. Coles discography, sure I’ve listen to a bit here and there but I never really went deep enough to fully appreciate him and his music. This album was AMAZING, definitely one of the best 2/3
I’ve heard in a while overall I give 2014 forest hill drive a 10/10 with my favourite tracks being wet dreamz, G.O.M.D and No Role Modelz. As I mentioned before, this is my first music review so im sorry if it’s bad. Thanks to anyone who reads this. 3/3
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