Tweet: Hey guys, I climbed Mt Everest
Know-it-all Twitter: 24352 have before you, 1234 without oxygen, 200 without limbs and 50 rode an unicycle all the way to the top. Stop boasting!
Congress Twitter: Nehru climbed Everest in 1954 and he's a Photoshopped picture to prove it /1
Akhand Bharat Twitter: Everest was part of India and you should not have climbed it before it was annexed by India
Virat Twitter: In 1987, Sir opened the route to Everest by displaying his mastery of Hokkienese which he learnt on the flight to China
Trad Twitter: You climbed /2
Mt Everest in a mountaineering suit, did not wear langot or dhoti and did not stop for sandhya on the way. You must be a crypto
Rayta Twitter: I condemn the trad #%$^s. No true Hindu would wear a dhoti.
Bhajan Mandali Twitter: In 70 years of Congress, no Indian climbed Everest /3
One Indian has climbed Everest every 6 years after 2014.
Bhim Twitter: Celebrating a savarna pursuit like climbing Everest while you ignore the struggle of bahujans is reason why India is still a 3rd world country
Bat-sh*t crazy SJW Twitter: Mount Everest is actually /4
a symbol of Brahminical Patriarchy. Mount 'Eve' and Rest? That's oppressive. Mt Everest must be cancelled and we're all going with pickaxes to reduce it to rubble and throw it into the Indian Ocean
Bismillah Twitter: Mt Everest was discovered by Alauddin Khilji and /5
raised to its present height by Akbar.
Han Twitter: First tries to eat Mt Everest, Gives up and claims it as their territory.
Lemurian Twitter: The first man on Mt Everest was Homo Dravida who climbed it while it was still part of Lemuria. It was stolen by evil Brahmins and /6
hidden in Nepal. Appa Periyar discovered it and Thalaivar Kalaignar restored it to it's original home in T. Kulathupatti in Sivaganga District. Aryan oppressors are claiming falsely that it is in Nepal.
Blackpill Twitter: LEL! What's the point, climb Everest while you still /7
can. Given the TFR, there aren't going to be any new Everests.
Le Everest Climber now deletes his Twitter account /END
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