Now these are little projects I did on separate occasions, the #MewIchigo one from #TokyoMewMew was for a school project while the #UsagiTsukino/ #SailorMoon one was for a real late birthday present for said character. These aren't great, but I may make a series out of them!
I decided to make a minimalist for each of Tailmon's evolution stages, these are ones I made for #Yukimibotamon, #Nyaromon, and #Plotmon. These minimalists from last summer aren't my best work either for a reason I'll explain later down this thread!
Here is #Tailmon herself as a minimalistic wallpaper, I based this along with the Angewomon one on the glorious artwork of the " #DigivolvingSpirits " Figure that I own. I put way too much effort than needed for the Holy Ring, but I'm fine with this piece overall.
These are the #Angewomon and #Ophanimon wallpapers, these didn't come out that great as just like with Tail's Holy Ring, I put in way more effort than needed with these when they could've looked fine being more simplistic, I didn't bother doing one on #Holydramon because of that.
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