side affects of adhd not commonly known // a thread
types of adhd (:
- hyperactive impulsive / adhd - hi
this is what most people think of when they hear adhd . contrary to popular belief tho , it is not the most common type of adhd (:
- combined / adhd - c
this is the most confusing type because people diagnosed with ...
... adhd - c show symptoms from both sides and don’t belong to one specific category (:
- innatentive / add / adhd - i
due to the lack of hyperactivity , this type is the hardest to detect and diagnose (:
symptom time (:
- warped perception of time
for people diagnosed with adhd , a minute can feel like and hour but sometimes a minute can feel like a second . because of this , it can be extra challenging for people with adhd to be on time . (:
- different time horizon
this one is a little trickier to understand . a time horizon is the point in the future that you can plan or imagine . usually it’s around 3 months . however , for people with adhd it changes moment to moment . we can go from planning a year in ...
... advance , to not being able to think about tomorrow (:

- low tolerance for boredom
obviously nobody enjoys being bored , but being bored as a person with adhd is very uncomfortable and can actually make us anxious (:
- excessive impulse buys
people with adhd are often very impulsive . we might not be constantly buying huge monetary items like cars , but we do have trouble resisting multiple small , unnecessary purchases like candy or books (:
- trouble controlling emotions
as a person with adhd , i’m sometimes afraid to have tough conversations because it’s easy for me to break down crying or even get angry and hostile . because our brains are always working on overdrive , it’s hard to pinpoint emotions (:
- anxiety
adhd limits a persons abiltity to filter out irrelevant information from an enviroment . this is similar to autism because it’s easy for us to experience sensory overloads and become overwhelmed (:
- an addictive personality
in all honesty i don’t like using the term addictive . people with adhd experience hyperfixation . it’s very easy for us to become “obsessed” with something and put all our attention and time into it even if we know we shouldn’t (:
- sleep problems
due to our brains constantly working on overdrive , we find it difficult to calm down or focus on falling asleep . these sleep disturbances can be caused by hyperactivity , lack of focus , and even certain stimulant medications (:
- depression
chronic difficulties caused by adhd can lead to secondary depression . often , our depression is triggered by the frustrated of coping with adhd and the symptoms it brings with it (:
- hard time memorizing a lot of things
since we have a hard time memorizing things , people with adhd tend to eat at certain selected restaurants , choose specific meals , listen to the same songs over and over , and wear the same outfits even tho we have big closets (:
- zoning in and out
from personal experience i can say zoning out is a huge part of living with adhd . i can be sitting in a lecture , and even watching the person talk but end up not gaining any information or even hear a word they’re saying
- organized messy
people with adhd are usually very disorganized . however , even tho my room is a mess , i know where everything is . need a paperclip ? it’s underneath my bed hidden by a 2 size too small pair of jeans (:
- temperment problems
people with adhd are very impatient . this can lead to us getting upset and impulsive . since we are already bad with controlling emotions , being impatient and annoyed can trigger bad temperament (:
- interrupting and over - sharing
when it comes to having adhd , every thought that surfaces is automatically labeled as VERY IMPORTANT even tho it’s probs not . we tend to overshare but not recognizing it because in our heads it is important and relevant to the conversation (:
- impaired working memory
our working memory capacity is more limited than that of neurotypicals . once distractive stimuli are introduced , we lose our focus (us being easily distracted) and forget almost all of what we tried so hard to retain (:
- caffeine has the opposite effect
due to the way the chemicals in our brain are made up and organized , caffeine has the opposite effect / no effect . when i was in school , i would drink at least three redbulls within 6 hours . my teachers always asked why ...
... i still fell asleep in class even after drinking three redbulls (:

- self centered conduct
this one is also a bit confusing . people with adhd struggle to percieve others’ need and wants . we often insert ourselves into others convos even tho we weren’t meant to .
there are tons more side affects of being diagnosed with adhd but the most important thing to know is , patience is key . we aren’t lazy or careless . our brains just don’t work the way others’ do . i’ve always struggled with maintaining relationships because ...
... people don’t try to understand how my brain works . we are human too and adhd is way more common than people think . i’m always down to share my experiences so feel free to reply with questions and anything else honestly !! i love you all ❤️
adorable and informative comics made by @ADHD_Alien !! thank you so much for letting me know so i can give her the credit she deserves ❤️✨
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