#Thread: How #Ataturk destroyed Islam in Turkey

Turkey was for 5 centuries the center of Muslim world

In 1924, Ataturk abolished Caliphate -office of the successors to prophet Muhammad pbuh

Used dictatorial methods, nondemocratic, repressive & violent actions to meet his goals
Atatürk abolished the supreme politico-religious office of Islam, and symbol of the Turkey sultan’s claim to world leadership of all Muslims.

Today 98% of Turkey’s population is officially Muslim but the proportion of practicing Muslim%. is as low as 20%.
Hostility towards Islam began in early 1920s. Military commander, Mustafa Kemal led Turkish War of Independence to form Republic of Turkey as successor state of defunct Ottoman Empire

Atatürk carefully constructed and deployed a master plan, today known as the Kemalist ideology.
Ataturk and his associates started to publicly question the value of religion and held the view religion was not compatible with modern science and secularism was imperative for modernity

Regime began a rdical reformation of the Turkish society with the aim of modernizing Turkey
Atatürk Abolished Islamic religious institutions.

Replaced Shariah law with adapted European legal codes.

Replaced Islamic calendar with Gregorian calendar.

Replace Arabic script which was used to write the Turkish language with the Latin script.

Closed all religious schools.
Ataturk took over 70,000 mosques, restricted the building of new mosques, & converted most of them.

Muftis & imams (prayer leaders) were regulated by government & Military.

Mosques were to preach according to the Ataturk’s dictates and were used to spread the Kemalist ideology.
Modernity was valued & represented as not wearing any religious dress & being non-religious

Ordered what cloths Turkey’s citizens should wear.

Traditional garb of local religious leaders was outlawed.

The fez (Turkish hat) was banned for men, & hijab were restricted for women.
Atatürk confiscated Sufi lodges, monasteries, meeting places and outlawed their rituals and meetings.

He wanted to Turkify Islam.

He ordered Muslims to use the Turkish word Tanri instead of #Allah for God & use the Turkish language in Salaath (the 5 times prayers) and Azaan.
This caused widespread resentment, which led in 1933 to a return to the Arabic version of the call to prayer.

Atatürk regime moved towards more extreme measures.

Prohibited religious education.

Existing mosques were turned into #Museums or used for the regimes secular purposes
Faithful Turkish and Kurdish Muslims be they Sunni, Shia or Sufi were powerless against Ataturk’s regime & Military.

But they tried to resist oppression.
Ataturk suppressed the rebellions after massive bloodsheds that claimed nearly 30,000 lives before being suppressed .
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