Good point, but lets just look at this objectively. Are Christians constantly branded as being "those who crucify themselves" and is this a ritual of theirs that a significant portion of Christians perform? The answer to both of those questions is "no." Just type in "Shia"
on the internet for example, and what will you get? Just picture it, a person is interested in Shia Islam and happens to google Shia Islam in order to learn more about it. He is then immediately bombarded by grotesque pictures of full-grown men (and babies) drenched in blood.
This person would most likely come to the conclusion that this is a barbaric group of people, as I would despite the fact that I'm very used to blood. Moreover, this ritual occurs rarely more than once a year. And among the Shias who do deem it halal, not all of them perform it.
Our enemies are using this (well-intended) ritual to brand us as barbarians and it is working. I will conclude this thread with this hadith by Imam Jaafar Al Sadiq (AS): "Become an ornament for us (the Ummah), do not be a disgrace for us."
Excellent video, highly recommend if you're interested in the subject:
I'd also recommend 
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