It's been ten days since my last Cymbalta dose; I think I might be off it 100% now. This is twice as long as the last time I needed to take a dose to stave off withdrawal, and I'm not feeling any withdrawal. #AmysEDSUpdate
Cymbalta was contributing to my extreme muscle weakness. With that out of my system, my "EDS bodybuilding" should get easier.
And now that I ate a bunch of yogurt and got potassium into my body, my feet and ankles are no longer swollen like balloons 😅 that was upsetting and uncomfortable but it was probably from my body adjusting to no Cymbalta (that medication affects potassium levels)
Doctors are so averse to actually troubleshooting medical problems I think I could get more help from an electrician
Or from—get this—a game developer that's also done QA haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
For all you new followers, this personal hashtag is where I chronicle my progress fixing my own chronic health problems and then talking doctors into signing the necessary paperwork
I don't know how I missed this reply, it is so perfect. This is exactly it. Ehlers-Danlos is slow motion body horror. Slow enough that doctors refuse to believe it's happening to you, severe enough that it is debilitating
Cymbalta can also cause intestinal bleeding and I think I may see some long-term improvements from getting rid of that problem as well. Whew.

And to think, all this time what I needed was just a lil dab of testosterone to balance out my estrogen regimen
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