Jan 10th 2020 - (THREAD) pt. 1
What will go down as probably one of the most important days in recent history, a fascinating cross-section glimpse into what 2020 has spiraled into, as well as where this year could potentially be leading us..
This is a list of things that occurred on the 10th of January 2020 and ongoing thoughts around those events
This thread may be edited and updated as more things unfold, like and follow for notifications to stay informed if that does occur.
First thing, and something that really hits right at the nexus of a lot of these key issues globally...
- On Jan 10th, Maduro, the Venezuelan head of state and authoritarian left-wing communist dictator, had his last “official” day in office before an election that most people contest was rigged and should have been won by his opponent, Juan Guaido
- the fact that Maduro was a documented participant in and enabler of state sponsored human and drug trafficking (responded to with global economic sanctions) did little to deter him from defrauding a national election basically unopposed and unable to be stopped
- Guaido was more in favor of democratic socialism for his country, instead of the hardline state sponsored communism implemented by Chavez and continued by Maduro
- 60 countries and most democracies across the globe recognized Guaido as head of state
- while 20 countries recognized Maduro including China, Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria
- Maduro used heavy handed strongman tactics to retain power, crack down on dissent and managed to keep moving forward as head of state
- Maduro not only still rules to this day, but grows stronger thanks to positive PR from a “failed coup” against his gov in April
- in spite of his appalling human rights record, Maduro continued to implement Chavez’s effective power strategy and actively cozied up with..
- “certain” famous people from Hollywood
- left wing marxism-idolizing social activists that went on to found and run BLM and other US-based progressive social movements
- China, Iran, Russia and other authoritarian countries looking for access to natural resources, cheap labor and oil, as well as further destabilization of the Western Hemisphere
- And the icing on the cake, of course, Epstein + his associates, who were rumored to harbor back-up drives of evidence of their rampant global child abuse in a safe house in Venezuela
- this illicit data was saved as an insurance policy against the US government before it was seized by Maduro’s Venezuelan gov to be used against Epstein’s associates or the US gov for blackmail or potentially worse
- Whew, take a sec to breath and process all of that before we deep dive even further..
- That was some heavy stuff already but (WARNING) it’s about to get even crazier.. that was only the beginning
- Guaido’s wife is a journalist and has documented child and human rights abuses going on in Venezuela for years..
- which were for the most part being covered up by the gov and barely investigated
- This election in Venezuela is potentially directly connected to a massive international pedo / human trafficking ring being done at the highest level of multiple gov’s, businesses and even charities around the world
- If Guaido was able to legitimately become the head of Venezuelan gov, he could force the release of the rumored back-up Epstein tapes, and shine a brighter light on the abuses going on there and globally with the help of his wife who knows and deeply cares about the issues
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