(cw: food)

Who has time to after-hours code when there's

finding out your fridge shelves aren't perfectly level so you have to do precise paper towel folding and shoving under the back corners of a sheet pan

to be done.
I'm working with an incredibly small margin for error here. 😂

These are vegan, cheesecake flavored pudding bar things that I made up in my head? đŸ€· Got an almond and oat crust on the bottom and I'm going to top it with this strawberry rhubarb goodness I made the other night.
Oh and also got some chicken stock going, almost done.

Basically I'm trying to prep as much food in advance. Shelter in place, but make it delicious and nourishing.
Anyway, this is just one example of the bombass stuff you can do with your free time instead of more of your day job. Learning to cook is rad as hell and it gets more fun with each passing year you continue to increase your know-how.
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