Oh shit. Oh fuck.
Just want to preface this by saying “good” and “bad” are subjective. None of these OPINIONS are objective fact. If I say “good” that only means I like it. If I say “bad” that means I don’t like it. It’s ok to disagree. It’s not a big deal.
1.) I’ve never liked the first Avengers movie. Always hated it. It ruined this franchise for me and hurt the love of Marvel heroes I used to have. I used to complain about it all the time. I don’t now that I’ve grown up a bit, but this one just isn’t my cup of tea.
2.) On the other hand, I think The First Avenger is still their best film. I absolutely love it. It’s dripping with heart and enthusiasm that I think is missing from most of the others.
3.) I think The Winter Soldier is some bullshit. I can’t stand that movie. It bores me to tears. It’s visually bland. I don’t care for the wannabe Bourne fights. I only feel emotion in the Peggy scene. I hate that it sparked the rest of the Russo movies.
4.) The Incredible Hulk still kicks ass. I was a big fan of the Bixby show growing up. It hits all the right notes for me.
5.) Not a fan of GOTG at all. I get the appeal, but I can’t deal with stupid characters. I also hate that they depowered Gamora. Fuck that.
6.) Black Widow was the biggest character harmed by this franchise. Unless her new movie retcons it, they removed her powers. They made every relationship she had on the team a “will they/won’t they.” Then they fucking kill her for Hawkeye. Christ.
7.) Captain Marvel is probably one of my least favorites just because I think it’s just as bland as the rest. I have no beef with Brie Larson. I have no beef with anyone who worked on the film, it’s just not my jam.
8.) I like their Spider-Man films. I do. I like Ned and Peter’s friendship. Vulture and Mysterio are my two favorite villains from their universe. And Spidey is my favorite Marvel character anyway, so I find some fun in them. Not what I want, visually bland, but good enough.
9.) Can’t watch Iron Man anymore. Something about him going to the Middle East and killing people doesn’t sit well with me. It just feels like porn for over “patriotic” people. I know a white guy is the MAIN antagonist, but it still feels off to me.
10.) I do like Iron Man 3. May not be what anyone wanted, but it was bold. Doing that with the Mandarin took guts. More than they’ve had since.
11.) I love comic book Thor. Frustrates me that not a single one of his movies holds up to my expectations.
12.) Thor should’ve been more powerful in both of Joss’s films. Bugs me that he was so unbelievably nerfed.
13.) Loki is so overrated. He’s not that great of a villain. Tom Hiddleston is just a good actor.
14.) Yo, why are the Frost Giants so short? Fuck is that about?
15.) Ragnarok is good, but can we stop pretending like Taika made some revolutionary film that delivered world peace?
16.) If Tobey Maguire shows up as Spider-Man next to Doctor Strange, I’m turning into an MCU fan. I’m deleting this thread. That will make it the best one yet!
17.) The critics hopping on this franchise’s dick for 10 years is killing movies.
18.) The best part in Endgame is when Scott sees his daughter again. That’s like the only scene with any real heart.
19.) Love Stan, may he Rest In Peace. But I thought his cameos were tiresome by Iron Man 2.
20.) Also, I feel like Marvel Studios has done nothing to say that other people helped Stan create that universe. I think that’s a bit of a bummer.
21.) Marvel Studios also likes to keep the lie going that they’re more “comic accurate” than the other studios. I wish people didn’t buy that.
22.) Thor would be better if Jane Foster did more.

Thor: Love and Thunder will be great if it’s not a total joke. Ha....
23.) Black Panther is the only good character in Civil War.
24.) Team Iron Man, though.
26.) I like Age of Ultron. Fuck Joss though.
27.) Make. Scarlet. Witch. The. Beginning. Of. The. MCU. X-Men.
28.) The hardcore, ignorant fans of the MCU are probably some of the worst fans I’ve ever come across. BUT it is not a crime to like this franchise.
29.) I wish there were one more movie before Infinity War called Secret Avengers featuring Cap and his team on the run but still doing good. That would be awesome and add some actual weight to the Sokovia Accords.
30.) Oh, yes. The Sokovia Accords. Can’t stress enough how pointless that turned out to be.
31.) Yeah... Can’t really figure out what the theme of Endgame is. That makes me not want to watch it. What am I supposed to learn from it?
32.) Agents of Shield was balls in Season 1. Couldn’t get past the first five episodes.
33.) If Daredevil were MCU canon, he’d be the best hero in their universe. Dude actually gives a shit.
34.) Tony saying that The Avengers don’t fight crime really bugs me. They could help out a lot, but they’re too busy protecting the status quo.
35.) Also, can we bring the secret identity back...? Spider-Man was the only one who had one.... Now...
36.) Despite it not being my favorite, Thor is probably peak MCU cinematography. Two films before Joss made concrete the go-to palette.
37.) I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, Peyton Reed tried to pull off Edgar Wright’s work in Ant Man.
38.) I hate how the Russos portray Spider-Man. He’s dumbed down just like everyone else. I really don’t want them touching any more characters.
39.) Cap when he sees the helicarriers in TWS: “We can’t have these huge weapons going around taking people out.”

Cap when he’s the weapon taking people out: “Uh... The safest hands are our own, we don’t need people to vote on our actions.”
40.) It always felt weird to me that Cap was making out with Sharon like a day after Peggy died... That romance went nowhere and that felt like he was getting a “younger model” of Carter. Just felt weird to me. I might be the only one.
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