A board of directors is the captain of the ship. These are the people that embody the mission and values of the organization. There is no "owner" of a nonprofit. It is owned by the people. And the character of the board lets you know the character of the organization. https://twitter.com/BeyondType1/status/1282881457615106048
A member of the board for @BeyondType1 was obscene to someone in their target service community and misgendered him in an effort to belittle. BT1 offered a weak apology, but they still allow this guy to stand as a representative for this org and their values as a board member.
An organization that has programs aimed at serving young people has a man on their board that responds to questions about the org on social media by sending photos of sex toys and talk about anal sex. This wasn't enough to get @BeyondType1 to remove him from their board.
If Beyond Type 1 had a publicly posted code of ethics or values (they don't), are they telling us that this behavior would be included as acceptable? As long as they apologize for being obscene with their constituents, it's okay?
When I worked for nonprofits, it was hard to remember that I wasn't just an individual. I was also a representative of an org that required public trust to survive. While not perfect, I never once responded to a constituent's questions with sex toy photos.
Removing a founding member from your board for his misconduct would be a difficult thing to do, but it would speak louder than any sleek infographic half-apology with your trademark font ever could.
You can follow @MrMikeLawson.
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