so the producer of the songs given above (as well as some well known dream, exo and rv songs) got fired over plagiarism issues for some of his other works. Technically he held a copyright of these songs and since he doesn't work under am anymore+
sm is legally not allowed to distribute these songs or make any money off of them. this means that these songs can still be performed in live concerts but sm can't release videos of those concert clips then. performance of these songs is allowed, it doesn't violate copyright.
however since the terms of agreement are not clear this is just the most valid assumption, we can't be a 100% sure till they release a statement themself.
BUT TILL THEN, don't worry
we will get live performances

but as far as wayv goes, he produced electric hearts too but lots of other producers worked on it alongside so I'm not too sure what happens there but in any case they will perform these songs live
to be more on the safer side they might resort to playing remixes of these songs in case it's a televised or recorded performance
now legally sm CAN deal with this legally and ask him for terms of copyright, in which case he will either ask them for a hefty amount of money or revenue for these songs. if sm do choose they buy them they'll have to pay up big time and when has sm ever dealt with a situation
logically,,, watch them perform hitchhiker remixes everywhere instead of buying their own artist's songs back
here's the whole list
oh yes and if he tells them he wants revenue then all stream revenue from melon, spotify etc will go to him but again, we don't know that yet
and yes previous mvs and albums won't be affected as sm had license to use the songs back then.
I'm sorry if my grammar/phrasing wasn't clear, English isn't my first language but yes
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