Listen, if all you do is bring up negative things & constantly bring up certain past events that have happened MONTHS/YEARS ago..... Then please just bounce out of my life. There is no need to always always always bring up shit someone’s done in the past.
Especially if everything has been going great. It’s like certain people just loveeee to bring others down. I don’t understand it, at all. PEOPLE GROW EVERY DAY & ANYONE CAN CHANGE. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
If you refuse to do the same then don’t even bother talking to me, ever. I only need & want positive people in my life. People who are trying to better theirselves. I just refuse & cannot do the negativity anymore.
It doesn’t matter how long I’ve known you or what we’ve been through. It’s exhausting being around people who are constantly negative or bringing drama into my life. I like to bring out the best in people & help everyone around me.
You can follow @YasmineS0lis.
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