To all the natives who:

-are homeless, living in the streets and shelters

-are or were in foster care systems

-living in Tribal Housing, HUD, section 8 or low income housing

-living in abusive homes to survive

-living with relatives

You’re valid and loved.
I was formerly homeless living in my tent, my car and anywhere I could and now I live in tribal housing unit and the poorest community on my reservation.

I live with my mother and father I used my last paycheck to get into our house four year ago. I take care of my family.
I’m not ashamed of being “poor” in the eyes of colonial capitalism, poverty is all I ever knew and I know how to survive. I may not have much compared to others and other natives but I’m grateful for having what I have and sharing it with family.

We survive together.
Just know whatever living situation you are in and whatever struggles you have within colonial capitalism...that I support you, and I hold space for you.

I just hope others would do the same for me because I am still a poor indigenous person but if not I’ll survive regardless.
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