Are people dying in the streets? Yes. But not from COVID. They are dying because murder is up. Looting. Rioting. People falling off of statues. Lawlessness. Depression. Suicide. Financial issues. No church. No fellowship. Television. Bad News. MSM. Commercials. Scare tactics. 1/1
2/2 This is all because of government over reach. Yes COVID is real. So is cancer, accidents, any flu, virus, bacteria. Obesity. Sedentary lifestyles. Etc. we can’t wait for a bug to go away. Wash your hands, cover your mouth if U cough. Seek help if you are ill/immunocompromised
Write a letter to your state representatives & Governors. Tell them how you feel & what you WANT. Be proactive. These idiots in the streets just cost US money. Let’s open America. Don’t wait for winter and flu season, Governors will strip us of everything. BE BOLD This is ur land
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