Meaning... they got another one. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1271059767683760128 I've decoded a few of these, celebs and political figures alike.

Scaring away any would-be new flips + to try to get current flips to abandon ship.
DeVos is a clear patriot in Trump Admin - so she functions as a proxy to send a message. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1267356268890517505
Another Elvis comms thread. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1165913433558024192
Pressley: 'I wouldn't trust you to care for a house plant let alone my child''
7. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1282895230627270656
Very relevant decode thread.
which involves 2 connected decodes. One of which was about "Queen" + Death.
And the other comm being about a global game of backstabbing to start soon. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1276088711961182208
Note an account with what looks to be no followers just days ago (no wayback captures) - tweeted something that trended - and got an absurd amount of likes/retweets.

It includes the RIP Queen pic from the album redux.
They juxtapose that RIP pic with a a woman copying the pose wearing a visible name tag.

The name on the tag is the same name as the mother of the deceased discussed in this thread.
You can follow @CodesUcq.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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