This is the stupidest thread I’ve ever read in the history of threads!! Sorry ma’am but I’m still gonna call myself a Latina. True, we don’t know the true struggle of living in a Latin American country, but it’s still our culture. And I’m still gonna claim it.
This thread is basically erasing your ethnicity and simply making you your nationality. Which are two different things. If y’all wanna call us privileged, that’s fine, because yeah, we are. Not everyone has opportunities to live a better life.
My parents had an opportunity to not only help themselves have better lives, but so that my family in Mexico can as well. I’ve lived in Mexico and I’ve gone to school in Mexico, I know a bit of what life is like over there. Not a lot of US born Latinx can go back and say the same
I admit that us being born in America has given us many opportunities and privileges not many of you living in Latin America have. But erasing someone’s whole ethnicity? Someone’s identity? That’s just wrong !
My family taught us our traditions and way of life. Our culture. That’s something you can’t just go and invalidate.
A different example is: an Asian immigrant moving to America and having children. Are those children American? Yes. Are those children not Asian ? Or Japanese, or Indian, or Korean, or Chinese, etc ? How are you gonna tell someone their culture doesn’t belong to them because 1/2
They don’t have the same struggles as you do ?? They don’t understand what it’s like to be living in their home country? Because they weren’t BORN in the land of origin?
Also I’ve seen the “I ate a taco I’m Mexican” phrase FAR too much in this thread and in the replies Food is cultural, yes. But also eating the food doesn’t imply you’re that ethnicity. And eating the food isn’t an excuse that many US born latinx use to justify that they’re Latinx
Stop invalidating and erasing people’s ethnicity just because our struggles are different and where we were born.
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