I'm visiting Twitter tonight.

I made a drink in my new highball glass. I wanted Southern Comfort & cranberry but didn't have any cranberry. Sangria is the same color, so I figured why not.
I wanted more of these glasses but HEB only had this one.
With the exception of a few tweets, being away has been much needed. I'm less stressed out since I'm not hooked to The Matrix throughout the day. Too much noise, too much chatter, too many distractions. It's these reasons that I disconnected from TV 10+yrs ago. I don't miss it.
I think about how it must have been for people before TV started to mind numb our senses. They got more things done. They visited with their neighbors, grew more of their own food. Attended church. Communities were smaller and friendlier. Globalism didn't exist in today's terms.
I think we heard God more and listened more. We made our own decisions based on prayer, common sense and discernment. Now, we have people who tell us what to think and when, how to feel, what to eat, how to dress. Every reality show is scripted, AGT, all of it. But we continue to
watch in the name of entertainment, then get on social media and gaggle on about irrelevant people and irrelevant things that are irrelevant because they are scripted. Jim Carey at least had one thing right when he said "None of this is real."
What's real is my husband, and us trying to take this quarter acre and making it something to live off of as we move into stage 6 & 7 of our lives. What's real are our children&their children, &watching them figure it out like we did when it was our turn to raise bairns.
What's real is my mother in law, as she makes her way through stage 8 of life in a home that isn't hers while others make decisions for her and the only thing she looks forward to is to see her husband again. But it's not her time.
The social/political landscape means nothing to me, because I know that everything that's going on right now is scripted. It's scripted to irritate, anger and terrify, but mostly, to steal ones joy, and sitting back&watching makes me see so many of you falling prey to it.
Today will not change my choices in November. I will put God first when I step in that booth. I will think of my ancestors, their struggles, their REAL struggles & honor them with something they didn't have- a vote and a voice. My voice is my vote, it is my honor to their legacy.
No one owes me reparations. That's ridiculous & words spoken by fools. I owe that house slave, that field slave, that "bed wench" concubine, those boiled alive,beaten, drowned something. I owe them honor & dignity to live a life that they sacrificed for me so that I could be free
I owe them the opportunity of an education, the ability to read, write, vote, marry, bear children, own a home, & leave a financial legacy to my children & my children's children. I owe them more than dwelling on the past memories of oppression, segregation.
I owe them the advantage of the opportunities many of them only dreamed of. I owe them to live by example, never looking in the mirror of what was, but ahead to what IS. So many miss the lesson of Lot's wife, the symbolism of the pillar of salt,& the bitterness that lies within./
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