Telling minors not to express themselves sexually leaves them vulnerable to sexual abuse.
I’m saying this as someone who knows because I was abused and groomed as a minor.
Wtf are adults doing telling minors they can’t be horny? That’s creepy tbh.
Slut shaming kids isn't going to make them stop, but it will drive them towards predators who validate them.
Imagine calling actual 13 year olds "sluts" and thinking you're the one coming out of the conversation not looking creepy.
Again, I'm speaking from experience here. One of the ways that predators do what they do is by validating their victims' sexuality in an environment that shames kids. That's why they flatter kids by telling them they're super mature.
When adults reinforce that environment of shame, we're making things easier for predators. When we allow kids to express their sexuality, we're making things harder for predators.
Pretty sure the problem is adults preying on vulnerable kids, actually.
Seriously, what is the fantasy here? That predators only see kids as potential victims when those kids are openly sexual? That's not how anything works.
No, I don't. I'm not comfortable with it, but it's not about my comfort.
How would that make it easier? Like, in what way... what even?
That last tweet I quoted is just blatant victim blame.
Here's the other thing: we're not actually going to be able to stop minors from being openly sexual online. All we're able to do is shame them for it, which makes them more vulnerable to abuse.
No, the equivalent of giving access to self-defense classes would be if we educated kids on signs of abuse and predatory behaviours.
What they're doing is the equivalent of telling women how to dress and act in order to supposedly prevent rape.
Um, comparing a minor being openly sexual to someone standing at the very edge of the grand canyon is absolutely victim blame. It's blatant fucking victim blame.
This person has decided that my firsthand experience as a survivor of CSA isn't good enough, but they refuse to provide any evidence for their claims at all.
"Just common sense" is literally the same argument people make when saying women shouldn't drink/go out at night/wear certain things/exist in public to prevent rape. Your "common sense" is rape culture.
UPDATE: This person thinks women should be careful of what they wear so they don't get raped.
UPDATE: this person thinks that men are comparable to crocodiles, rather than being human beings with agency who can choose not to rape.
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