This is the Orange County Board of Ed meeting on whether to send kids back to school in person full time without masks.

What do you notice?
The local BLM organizer just spoke on behalf of kids of color and their experiences at school, and said Defund the Police means more money for education. Amen.
Link is here if anyone wants to watch.

Also some psycho is currently saying that social distancing and mask wearing prohibits serotonin release in children, which by the way is better THAN CONTRACTING A DEADLY DISEASE.
UGH, the sister of a teacher who is immunocompromised is crying at the podium.
Now there's a lunatic claiming that group sports builds immunity in children, my God.
The one woman of color on the Board is pointing out that there are no citations in the recommendations that backs up the claim that social distancing harms children, and related issues.
This is true. MY comments haven't been read.
A school board member is asking whether the Governor can shut down the entire state school system. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS? OF COURSE HE CAN.

And our local numbers tripled over the weekend.
Jesus Christ, this is INFURIATING. They're saying that if your kid is "feeling off," you should just keep them home, because THAT works for asymptomatic carriers and also combats a pandemic WHAT THE FUCK.
I'm sitting here thinking about just how STUPID you have to be to say that parents should keep their kids home if they seem a little ill to prevent the spread of COVID at school.
Once again, Beckie Gomez is telling the local school districts and parents to "explore ALL OPTIONS."

She's signaling that parents are on their own.
"We didn't share enough opposing views. And there's some flaws in this report."
We are fucked. They voted 4-1 to institute non-mask requirements and recommendation that all schools open for traditional in person learning.
And the last item on the agenda is a motion to support law enforcement.

Jesus Christ I'm going to have to move.
I wish I could share the parents' WhatsApp group and private threads right now.

Our district can still do what they want, but that the county adopted this, with no scientific support and a staggeringly stacked set of comments that ignored public outcry, is outrageous.
One of the big concerns is that even in the districts that provide distance learning, that option will not be well-funded/supported if the distr also provides traditional learning.

Basically, if that's the way it goes, we're all going to be homeschooling with a tad of distance.
Wow, the high schoolers are destroying the Board now. "Stop looking at the money, and listen to the constituents. You're on the Board FOR US, not for yourself."
Commentators are raising concerns on how to fund PPE when the schools don't have enough cleaning products in a regular school year.
That's the second BLM commentator. Good to see that representation.
"They're releasing people from prison, and you want to send our kids back?"

"You're sending our kids back to die."

And they're fucking adjourned.

The parents are outraged. They saved comments opposing the resolution for AFTER the vote had been taken and then adjourned while a special needs mom was crying.

I’m fucking appalled.
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