why are decapitated buddha statues offensive? let a thai buddhist tell you!
during the burmese-siamese war of 1767, the burmese army invaded the siamese kingdom which resulted in the fall of ayutthaya. ayutthaya was a flourishing city full of culture and home to kings and dynasties. that is, until april 1767. the burmese army ransacked the city and
virtually EVERYTHING was set ablaze. tens of thousands of citizens were captured and relocated to burma. starving inhabitants were slaughtered and buildings were burned to ash. statues of buddha were beheaded, (our main point) which still stand in thailand for tourists.
many buddhists, especially thai, find it very offensive to use the decapitated buddha as a prop or aesthetic. it has a very violent history relating to our massacre and war. i welcome you to research this for yourselves as well. thank you for reading!
ps if i got anything wrong or mistranslated please tell me! i wrote this in a bit of a hurry
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