
Somebody posted a video from 2015 warning about the dangers of Islam.

"Watch and learn," she wrote.

After I posted my response, she blocked me.
King Salman assumed the Saudi thrown on January 23, 2015.

He was 79 years old at the time.

And he went to work within hours.
One of the first thing he did was strip a Saudi prince of his title and possessions.

The prince had slapped a servant in public.

Salman's closest advisor was and his his son Mohammed bin Salman (MbS).
MbS made surprise visits to all the government offices in the kingdom.

"Show me the books," he said.

When they couldn't, he fired the entire staff and replaced them with technocrats--people with no political affiliations.

No connections to the House of Saud.
The Saudis asked our top diplomat--Zalmay Khalilzad--to Riyadh, and they made the first admission of its kind in the Muslim world.

They admitted to once having supported terrorism.

On the record.

MASSIVE loss of face. But they did it anyway.

They promised to make amends.
You need to understand that in 1979, Islamists tried to overthrow the House of Saud.

To stay in power, the Saudis agreed to adopt the strictest form of Sunni Islam.

We're all familiar with it.


The Saudis had a secret plan.
They educated hundreds of thousands of their citizens in the west.

This is why so many Saudis are bilingual English speakers.

The long-term Saudi plan was a Stealth Reformation.

Our own reformation came with much bloodshed.
The Saudis spent years preparing their citizens for freedom.

The emancipation of women is being done in an especially brilliant way:

By the time women are fully emancipated, they'll already be running the country alongside men.
An Iraqi writer said this:

"The Americans freed us from our cage, but we didn't know how to fly."

Saudi Arabia isn't making the same mistake.

They're modernizing on THEIR terms, at THEIR OWN speed.

And it's working.
Al-Azhar University in Cairo is the Sunni Muslim Vatican, roughly speaking.

The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar is Ahmad al-Tayyeb.

He's quietly had conferences with leaders of non-Abrahamic religions.

In Saudi Arabia.

This is technically prohibited, but he does it anyway.
Every now and then, he says things that the west finds incendiary.


It's his ACTIONS that count.

Islam is over 1300 years old, but people demand change NOW, in a way that is impossible.

I don't care about words. I care about ACTIONS.
I was told over and over that a Reformation couldn't happen, because the Koran is considered set in stone.

Well, Mohammed bin Salman announced that the Koran calls on Muslims to spread the WORD of Islam. With the advent of modern technology, the word has been spread.
Therefore everybody now knows about it, and Muslims can go about their business.

MbS also said that every man and woman on earth must choose individually how to worship God--if at all--so it's not prohibited to impose ANY religion by force.
A Pakistani asked me indignantly, "Who's Mohammed bin Salman to be making such pronouncements?"

"He's the Muslim with the most firepower," I answered.

ALL mosques in Saudi Arabia are now monitored electronically and with undercover agents.
All sermons must be submitted in advance and approved by the government.

None of this is secret information.

If you're afraid of Islam, there's no excuse for you not knowing all of this.

The Saudis were criticized for the war in Yemen.

Well, guess what?
The Houthis claim a divine right to rule the WORLD.

They're the Shia Islamic State.

Their plan was to turn Yemen into a hub for exporting armed imperialist jihad.

Tell me again why it was wrong for the Saudis to defeat them?
The only people you need to worry about are leftists.

How many wars do they want us to start?

I've lost count.
I have no idea why we have to go to war with Poland.

War to stop the Shia Islamic State bad, war waged on Poland good.

It must make sense somewhere deep inside @the_moviebob's head.

I don't know who Bob Chipman is. Let me look him up.
Well, he's a baseball player who died in 1973.

That explains a lot.
Life in 2020 would be confusing to a baseball player who died in 1973.

To him, Poland was full of dirty commies.

And neither the Houthis nor the Islamic State existed.

So he gets a pass.

For having been dead for almost half a century.
The Yom Kippur war was also fought in 1973.

Israel defeated 10 countries simultaneously.

Those 10 countries were supported by...leftists.

The Soviet Union.

Guess what happened in the Yom Kippur War?
The leftists gave the Syrians state-of the art T-62 main battle tanks that outperformed the modern British tanks that the Israelis had.
But the Israelis had a secret weapon:

A World War II American Sherman tank with a massive-high velocity long-range French 105mm gun.
The Sherman armor was like cardboard.


The French gun allowed the cardboard Shermans to destroy the modern Syrian tanks long before the Syrians got into the firing range of their own guns.
"Human ingenuity can't be predicted."

-- @greggutfeld

In 1973, change came at a snail's pace.


@realDonaldTrump is making the world better on an hourly basis.

So are the Saudis, the best allies we ever had.

All of our allies are different. They're all important.
But we'll never be able to thank the Saudis for what they did for us.

And they did it out of gratitude that we're out of the business of messing up the Middle East.

For good.

All is well.

The best is yet to come.

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