I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my quarantine weight loss. So yeah, I’ve shed off about 20 pounds in the past 6 months. Want to know what I did?????
A whole lot of nothing. Probably ran less. My mom died two months ago and some days getting up and cooking a meal seemed like a marathon. Other days were better.
I also don’t travel or go into the office. My eating schedule is regular. No more unlimited catered lunch. No more airport meals. I gave up beer. I have 24 hour access to my Magic Bullet (game changer).
Most of all, I had to be proactive in my self care while grieving. I made good, healthy food because it made me feel better. I didn’t really try or think about it.
But here’s the thing. I was actually my fittest at my highest weight. I was just as worthy then as I am now. My weight or size doesn’t define me. I am perfect as I am, at any time. #morethanthenumber
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