Mutapa State (1400s-1700s)

Tribes - Korekore, Zezuru, Karanga

Alliances - Manyika

One of the most prominent Empires in Southern Africa. It had a Political, Economic and Military system that was respected in the whole region. How did it come to be ??. A Thread
The History of Mutapa State started in the city of Great Zimbabwe when the King of GZ Emperor Chibatamatosi was old, frail and ready to Retire. His first son, The Warrior Prince Nyatsimba Mutota was to succeed him As Emperor of Zimbabwe
Unlucky for Prince Mutota he had a very ambitious Cousin by the name Mukwati, Mukwati wanted to be King regardless of the fact that he wasn't the rightful heir. Mukwati had an Alliance with a section of the military. They hatched a plan to take the Kingdom by force
On the death of Emperor Chibatamatosi, Before Prince Nyatimba Mutota was instilled as Emperor of Zimbabwe Mukwati and his men Attacked
Mukwati won and was instilled Emperor of the land. Mutota fled Northwards with those who believed in him
Mutota searched for a land that he could settle in with his people, he remembered of a land he had been to, it was a beautiful land with fertile soils, salt and gold, so they headed to that land. That land was Dande Valley. They arrived and fought the inhabitants and won
The defeated were the Tavara tribe of the Nzou mukotami (Hippo) totem. Mutota Changed his Great Zimbabwe Royal totem of Moyo Chirandu (Heart) to Nzou Samanyanga (Elephant) . He picked the biggest animal in the jungle to differentiate himself from those he Conquered.
Mutota and his people from GZ would move their residence yearly around Dande Valley to find the right spot to build, so the Tavara nicknamed them Gore ne Gore meaning (every year) the nickname changed over time and ended up being Gore Kore that was to be their new tribe name
They started building as per their GZ traditions, in no time they were done and Mutapa State was born and it's King and Founder - Nyatsimba Mutota. The new kingdom came with a new title, Mutota was to be called "MweneMutapa" Mutota meaning "Protecter of the Realm" Mutota
With an Abundance in gold, ivory, salt in no time at all Arab traders and Portuguese traders started coming in for trade. The Kingdom became very rich and advanced. It became a region powerhouse
Decades after Mutota had died Mutapa State was granted a Coat of Arms by the king of Portugal in the 1600s. Depicting a Hand wooden hoe and two arrows. The Hand wooden hoe was the Mwenemutapa's (King's) Royal symbol, he held it in his hand in all official business
Below is a Real depiction of Mwenemutapa Gatsi Rusere his reign was from 1589 - 1623

He had an illustrious reign, He was a real traditionalist. Many of his people adored him
After MweneMutapa Gasti Rusere, traditionalism went downhill as those who succeeded him were wooed by the Portuguese with various gifts some of which are depicted below

These are Actual depictions of those Mwenemutapas who had developed a liking to the Portuguese
The Decline of Mutapa State happened over time

Caused by various events

-The Portuguese declared War on Mutapa State for control over Gold fields
-Tributaries like the Manyika tribe stopped paying tribute
-Civil Wars broke out
-Rozvi invasion

Then Mutapa fell
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