Let me be clear:

Sally Albright is a horribly biased person and under no circumstances should her opinions ever be taken seriously because she’s a complete and utter hack.

She’s like a centrist David Sirota. https://twitter.com/sallyalbright/status/1282368090194481162
Here’s a great thread by a friend on who exactly Sally is. https://twitter.com/amziqureshi/status/1178734100401799168?s=21 https://twitter.com/amziqureshi/status/1178734100401799168
I don’t know that I have anything to add that Amzi didn’t already say, other than that I used to be mutuals with Sally Albright and didn’t know she was so horrible.

I would caution y’all to read through the thread and be aware of her history. She’s not a friend.
I should have said Sally’s like a Blue Jacob Wohl, because that’s actually a better comparison.

She’s a reactionary, inept, and unethical rat fornicator.
I was reminded by a thread by @danapaige23 that Sally Albright advocated for having a third party candidate to split the vote if Warren were to become the nominee!

And now Sally’s Never-Warren for VP.
I shouldn’t have to explain why this is ridiculous and destructive.
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