I’ve started my bread making adventure for anyone that cares!! It started at 8am and ended at 1am with some cheese looking funky bread
I’ve decided that it needs to prove for longer and I’m setting a new batch prove overnight! Will update. Thanks for the support
Okay 2nd batch of sourdough this morning! It didn’t look as big as I wanted it to after the overnight prove, even though it was more than 12 hours? Please let me know if you have any bread insigh for me
I’ve got another pancake, folks. Not sure if it’s my starter? I’m gonna look at other recipes and compare. It’s dense, but bubbly so I’m confused.
Okay round 3 tonight folks! I’m going to knead my dough for 10 minutes before the bulk rise and add my salt AFTER autolysing. Hope this will help with my .. gluten development? (P.S. I hope a future employer sees this and knows that I’m always determined to get the job done!!)
Not looking any better folks, I think I’ve discovered the culprit though! My oven is too warm and I’ve been over proofing. My dough is wet and sticky Next try will proof on the counter and not in the oven, not going to knead this time but going to add salt after autolysing!!
Round 4 or my Sourdough journey!!! I’ve added the salt after autolysing and kneaded for 5 minutes. After it’s kneaded it looks more like a dough and I don’t think it will hurt it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m proofing it over night on the counter. Finger crossed!!!!!
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