Boot attempts to make the case the GOP is so engulfed in Trumpism, that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is no longer a viable option. He never was and Boot, with zero self-awareness, makes that clear in the third graf:
"The governor of Maryland supports action to address global warming and gun control. He endorses Roe v. Wade."

That's the ballgame, Boot. Hogan wouldn't get the nomination in 2024 because of his support for gun control and Roe v. Wade. He wouldn't have gotten the nomination in
2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992..

The Republican primary electorate supports second amendment rights and is pro-life. That's no secret. Unlike the purists, I think there is room for pols like Hogan and Susan Collins in the party. To be a majority party, there has to be
moderation (contrary to the view of the "own the libs" purists). Boot presents a completely false choice in Hogan vs. Carlson in that Hogan isn't a viable candidate even against someone like Jeb Bush. Hell, Trump used to support partial-birth abortion and the assault weapons ban.
He had to flip-flop. It's similar to the Democratic Party. The idea of a pro-life Democrat getting the nominate is laughable. The party is so extreme on abortion, the progressive wing tried to kick out the final two remaining pro-life members of Congress and succeeded with
Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski (Rep. Henry Cuellar of TX remains). Biden had to put aside his support of the Hyde amendment which is the lowest hanging fruit for any Democrat to support. I wouldn't be so naive to write a column arguing the future of the Democratic Party
is a choice between Henry Cuellar and the Chapo Trap House gang.

If Boot wants to continue promulgating the "lifelong Republican" charade, he should at least have a basic understanding of recent Republican Party history. /fin
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