#BlueMAGA: "Bernie's policies are too radical & the GOP would portray him as such, he couldn't win, so you must support Biden!"

Also #BlueMAGA: "Just support him and when he wins we can push him to the left."

*shocked Pikachu when GOP runs Trojan horse ads anyway*
At which point are these idiots going to understand that part of the reason for Trump's success is even though he's a piece of shit, he comes off as sincere.

You can't fucking pretend to be something you're not unless you maintain the facade 24/7.
Apparently the lessons learned from the "You need to have a public and private persona" fiasco was to just do something even dumber.

"Biden has to come off as Moderate" + "You can push him later" = Trying to have it both ways, which TBH will probably work with low info voters.
I'm looking at this objectively;

Generally you campaign to the left of the party in the primary, and pivot to the center in the general.

Biden literally has campaigned to the RIGHT of the party through the entire primary, but kinda-not-really pivoting left in the general?
I mean seriously, if your argument was that Bernie was too extreme for "Conservative Americans", exactly what message are you giving by saying he's "movable to the left" after he wins?

What? Do you think conservatives can't read or something?
Or did you honestly think the GOP who fucking called Bill Clinton and Obama "Communists" weren't going to hit that angle for Biden?

And then you literally go out and give them ammo.

The fuck?
And no, I'm not "Complaining" that Biden might be willing to offer whatever concessions to the left, which I'm fairly certain #BlueMAGA trolls will try to frame this thread as, missing the entire point naturally.
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