White disabled folks in Aotearoa - you are letting your brown & indigenous peers down. This is racism on top of ableism - it’s lateral violence and it’s not ok.

If you think this doesn’t apply to you, it definitely does.
You’re choosing to prioritise your relationships with ableds and abled organisations over actual #DisabilityJustice - which is an actual framework by Sins Invalid btw not just a metaphor for cooption in nice Op-Eds.
Literally fucking stop. You are making disability spaces unsafe for us and making it impossible to speak against the harms that affect our community.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about or the power dynamics that I’m referring to you have absolutely no business propping up or “consulting” with orgs that are doing us harm.

You do not represent the whole disability community/ecosystem.
I’ll wait while all of disabled twitter sees this and decides to carry on what they’re doing anyway 💁🏽‍♀️

#DisabilityTooWhite #DisabilitySoWhite #AbleismIsTrash
You can follow @keraoregan.
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