I keep seeing people post they are willing to go back to a hybrid model if safety measures are in place. But we all know none of these will be in place come the first day of school. So the real question is, are you willing to go to school while districts work this stuff out?
The SF @SF_DPH is telling staff they should accept a model of a 9 ft. square of kids separated by 3 ft. apart. The @CDCgov says students should be separated by 6 ft.

Would you be willing to teach if kids were only socially distanced by 3 ft. As opposed to 6 ft?
The @SF_DPH has told educators they should be flexible about students wearing masks. Dr. Lee told staff in a Town Hall that they should be comfortable with roughly 80-90% of students wearing masks.

Do you agree?
The @SF_DPH says it is OK to be more flexible with implementation of @CDCgov guidelines as long as they are “layered”. One important layer I ventilation.

If you did not teach in a classroom with operable windows, would you feel comfortable teaching?
The @SF_DPH says that students are less likely to spread #COVID19 to one another. It is staff that need ensure they do their best to stay 6 ft. away from students.

Do you think you could effectively teach from 6 ft. away? How much would this limit your ability to teach?
The @SF_DPH and @CDCgov guidelines say outsiders must be limited in the classroom. That means regular volunteers and parents would be discouraged/not allowed in classrooms.

How would this impact your ability to teach or do projects?
the @CDCgov & @SF_DPH recommend cleaning classroom supplies DAILY. This might include scissors, pen/pencils, laptops, tablets, art supplies, desks, chairs, doorknobs, textbooks/books, science equipment, manipulatives, etc.

Could you do do this w/o extra custodial help?
You can follow @AliMCollins.
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