يتبع باللغة العربية

“The UN Human Rights Office is deeply concerned for eight individuals [Rami Aman] detained in Gaza since 9 April 2020 on the grounds of 'normalization activity with the Israeli occupation', according to a statement by the Gaza authorities.“

(April 20, 2020)
"The seven men and one woman were detained (three have been released on conditions) on the order of the military prosecutor, and all have been referred for interrogation."
“The extremely broad use of the notion of 'contact with the Israeli occupation', the impermissible use of military justice to arrest & interrogate civilians & previous ill-treatment of some of these individuals by security services in Gaza make this a case for serious concern.“
"The UN Human Rights Office calls for the individuals to be released immediately, and any legal action against them to be pursued strictly in accordance with fair trial standards."
"In the meantime, we call on the authorities to ensure the safety of these individuals both in detention and after release. The Office has consistently raised concerns over arbitrary detention and widespread ill-treatment in detention in Gaza generally."

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