for those who don’t know, the enneagram is a personality typing system made up of 9 different types which are determined by the persons underlying motivations/ goals for their life, each type is represented by a number 1-9
each type also has a growth line and a stress line, that move towards other numbers, represented by the lines within the circle, but i’ll go more in depth with that another time lol
7s are the ENTHUSIAST: their main goal is to avoid negative emotion by indulging in the fun parts of life, they’re often a charming, positive, and entertaining person. 7s are usually the “life of the party” ~ if u want to read more ab 7s go here https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-7 
okay now before i go into why i think harrys a 7, i just want to point out that this is my opinion! i’m just analyzing his personality through lyrics/interviews/tour moments etc, obviously i don’t know h personally so i have no idea what his main goal in life is lol let’s begin
okay so first i want to look at gemmas interview with Another Man, here she talks about harry has had a “magnetic personality” even as a child, mentioning how he made friends with people on vacations and entertained strangers before school to make ppl happy
this is common for 7s, especially as children. 7s are relationship oriented people, and this paired with the 7s’ desire to have a light/fun atmosphere allows for them to act as an „entertainer” even in just everyday activities, bc making others happy fills up type 7 personalities
another part of harrys personality is the fact that he makes jokes ALL THE TIME, now obviously type 7s aren’t the only funny enneagram type, but 7s tend to use humor/sarcasm a lot because not only does it make people laugh, but also bc 7s tend to be a bit narcissistic/attention +
seeking, so being perceived as funny is good for their ego lol. narcissism is also something harry has joked about before on stage, im sure we’ve all seen the videos, but just in case, heres this compilation
okay that’s just a few major points so in interest of not making this thread a whole essay (although i probably could write one at this point), i’m going to move onto lyrics 💀
a lot of harrys lyrics talk about communication problems in relationships - “we’re not talking lately” (cherry), “tongue tied like we’ve never known/telling those stories we’ve already told” (two ghosts), “spreading you open is the only way of knowing you” (fine line), etc
a lot of 7s struggle acknowledging negative emotions themselves, but it’s even more difficult to open up about what they’re feeling bc then it makes it “real” in a way, they have to deal with it instead of just ignoring it & pretending they’re okay
mmith touches on avoiding pain A LOT, not necessarily in communication but just in general. the lyrics are asking this person to take away his pain. in the song he’s using this person to distract him from what he’s feeling, comparing it to morphine
using distractions to avoid pain is something almost every 7 does, whether it’s done with a busy schedule, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc this is something that is easy for 7s to fall into a habit of bc it’s in their nature, if a 7 is experiencing pain, they naturally are going to +
want to avoid it because they don’t like feeling pain or sadness. speaking of pain and sadness, enjoy :)
anyway the lyrics in golden are another good indicator that he might be a 7, “i don’t wanna be alone” - this is a common feeling for 7s because when they’re alone they have nothing to distract themselves from their thoughts, so because of this, 7s try to stay around friends +
in order to keep their thoughts occupied. “don’t want to let you go / loving you’s the antidote” - similar to the other lyrics, he doesn’t want to let this person go because loving them is “healing” them from their negative thoughts/emotions
okay last thing about his core 7 is the fact that he works in entertainment. 7s THRIVE in entertainment type of career paths because it allows them to be flexible and not get stuck in a day to day routine, a lot of 7s do well in careers such as artists, coaches, performers, etc +
basically any job that allows the person to interact with other people and allow for variety is great for 7s. with creating/touring an album, this is something that 7s would really thrive at. brainstorming and coming up with new ideas tends to be v enjoyable for 7s bc they can +
be creative. by being able to think of melodies/concepts for songs or albums, it allows him to create, and writing lyrics is a good way to also process the emotions that one would normally try to avoid (i’ll go more in depth with that when i talk ab the 5 line)
touring also makes sense because he is able to come up with setlists/visuals/concepts for the tour and use creativity to bring it together, but it also gives them something to plan for and look forward to. 7s also tend to be quick thinkers, so moving from country-country +
across the span of a few months is good in order to keep their brains engaged. lastly 7s love to bring people together to have fun, so by creating albums and tours for people to enjoy together screams 7 to me. every night on tour harry said something along the lines of +
“we have one job only and that is to make sure you have the most fun possible with us tonight”, so being able to work in an environment where he gets to bring people together to have fun would be super rewarding for a 7, and so harry saying that tour is his fav part adds up. +
okay this thread is way too long already so i think i’m gonna stop for now but i might make a part 2 explaining the growth/stress lines if y’all want 😁😁
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