This book examines what I consider the most important hypotheses and theories within the biggest story of our entire human history. That story is about extraterrestrials (ETs) and the “cosmic law” of their science, their morality, and their cultures.
By cosmic law, I’m talking about how the Universe truly works. I refuse to call ETs “aliens.” That’s the pejorative label foisted on them by those among us who do not trust they’re here on Earth,
or those powers who do know but want to preserve the negative myth that they’re dangerous or radically different than us. I wish to smash the xenophobic hysteria associated with the ET/UFO phenomenon. And I propose and illustrate why there are no evil ETs here on Earth at all.
They’re extraordinary, honorable, humanoid-type races that follow a supreme, successful, cosmic physics and exceedingly spiritual morality.
This is not another book of ET/UFO existence evidence. ETs are here. It’s about what I see as evidence and hypotheses of how ETs apply their physics to succeed in the Universe.
The UFOlogy landscape is already inundated with great and noble works of ET/UFO investigation and proof. So I defer to the research masters and many brilliant, intrepid souls of UFOlogy.
I’m not a UFOlogist studying specific cases nor am I a lettered particle physicist. I’m an investigator of anomalous phenomena.
That certainly includes ETs, but it points just as curiously to their amazing technology and everything it affects. That’s a lot. I’m not a “believer” in anything. I study facts, and then I write about it.
This book is about what I refer to as sacred, ancient, cosmic law physics and its wonders – and that definitely includes ETs and their place in the Universe.
The reality of ETs -- and their seemingly magical science -- is the most relevant, interesting, and powerful information Humanity can possibly study and seek to understand.
Just because you may not care about ETs and UFOs doesn’t mean ETs and their cosmic law do not affect you. You are influenced by the phenomenon even if you don’t know it or care.
We’re all affected in all aspects of our lives. It’s that far-reaching and all encompassing. It’s that important. This is because of the limitless power involved in all this. (Preface of my 1st book - ET Universe: Extraterrestrials And Cosmic Law, by James Roy, on Kindle)
I’ll attempt to show how ETs are extraordinarily advanced civilizations from trillions of other planets who have solved all the true laws of physics and thus pulled themselves safely past the threshold of extinction to total success in the Universe.
This isn’t a book about any select utopia on a planet surrounded by dysfunction just outside the utopia gates. We on Earth are a full, planetary dystopia simply because of our ignorance of universal, cosmic law.
This book has fact, it has hypothesis and theory, and even has interspersed fiction. The fiction is a series of benevolent dialogues between two characters -- an ET named Grol, and a “contactee” from Earth named Renny.
I use this inserted fiction to illustrate salient points and perspectives alongside the non-fiction and conjecture. All sewn together, I propose a complex, wide-open Universe swarming with infinite life and ETs that follow successful cosmic law.
I will use the phrase “cosmic law” often to frame what I will illustrate as the dynamic, fundamental structure of universal physics – and thus the whole reality of ET science, culture, and moral expression.
I refer to it as “law” due to its apparent omnipotence as mathematical principle. I make no belief stand whatsoever to any theologies or religions. I leave any perceived, religious connotations to the interpretation of the individual reader.
I will attempt to show you that all conscious beings and sentient systems in the Universe follow this cosmic law because it works perfectly without waste or violence by virtue of its design – not because an anthropomorphic Deity commands it.
These days confusion reigns in UFOlogy because valid, proven information coexists with mountains of contrived disinformation. I can always rely on Earth’s various intelligence agencies to create controlling disinformation,
but when it comes to so-called “spiritual” gurus of the New Age -- or even some UFOlogy paragons -- I have even more research work to do to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Vet everyone (even me!) and verify everything with multiple sources. With all this dynamic data flying around, skeptical and critical thinking is essential in this field because of controlled misinformation.
Lately, our whole civilization inwardly knows something bigger and more important than anything else in history is bubbling just under the surface of our collective psyche -- and it’s all about to explode with instant change. You can feel it everywhere.
We all sense this undercurrent, zeitgeist anxiety. This isn’t collective paranoia. It’s a subconscious bug gnawing at our interconnected, Humanity Mind. It seems like the world is racing toward some calamity cliff.
Theologians who study this “end-of-the-world” feeling are examining eschatology - a part of theology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of the world, as we know it, or the ultimate fate of Humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as Biblical end times.
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