I would like to start a thread on Black people being colorist to stop ANY arguement saying colorism isn't real and is just only a thing of feeling and the mind. The disrespect of Darkskin Black women is REAL and prominent
Yall need to get your shit TOGETHER!!
This thread is evidence, anytime someone wants to just call colorism a figment of the mind show them this. A beautiful Darkskinned Black woman just simply posted her pictures and look at these comments she received https://twitter.com/anglscry/status/1282125823013683201?s=19
He also has kids, I can't imagine all the anti-blackness he's gonna instill in them. See how he dehumanized her? And all she did was post a picture and mind her business.
@asmie__hassan another Black woman dehumanizing a Darkskinned Black woman. A shame.
@timiparfect another Black woman being vile and cruel to a Darkskinned Black woman for NO reason whatsoever. A shame. And she has multiple comments, this is most definitely bitter jealous behavior.
A Black man, most likely, being vile to a Darkskinned Black woman. For no reason. It's not unexpected from them tbh.
Oh yeah another comment @timiparfect posted, with no reason behind it other jealousy and insecurity. A shame.
Here is @febelbe joining in on @timiparfect and laughing along with her. A shame.
Here's @khairahssn joining in making horrid jokes. A shame.
Here is @Reborn265 who gives his unsolicited opinion and really thinks a beautiful woman like her would ever even glance his direction. Disrespecting Darkskinned women is like a sport to Black men. A shame.
Also @Reborn265 has BLM in his bio but obviously doesnt believe in that for Darkskinned Black women
Here is @MwaiAnika @longleggedhuman @the_lad_guy1 @WonderWestbrook laughing at the vile joke @Reborn265 made towards a Darkskinned Black woman.
This isn't the same woman that was disrespected but here is @princessofgvd disrespecting a Darkskinned Black woman for no reason. A shame.
@MightyTobias_ another Black man being disrespectful to DSBW. This nigga has the audacity as if he doesn't look like the heel of a foot that's been stepped in shit.
A fucking WHITE man being RACIST
@Qayvion3 (could be a bm behind this account)
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