BREAKING: Geoffrey Berman Calls AG Bill Barr's Job Offers to Get Him to Leave SDNY (Where He Was Overseeing Several Trump-Related Criminal Investigations) a "Quid Pro Quo" Multiple Times in Just-Released Congressional Testimony
PS/ The implication Berman is making is that Bill Barr, possibly acting as an agent of the President of the United States of America, was engaging in an act of bribery to "disrupt or delay" what he kept referring to—despite SDNY having "hundreds" of cases—as "the investigations."
PS2/ It is very telling—and I think many may miss this point of diction—that Berman used the phrase "the investigations" over and over again in his sworn testimony. You wouldn't do that if you were simply referring to the hundreds of cases that make up the total caseload at SDNY.
PS3/ It's the difference between saying "I wanted to protect all our investigations from disruption or delay" (or "protect the office's investigations") and what Berman actually did—repeatedly—which is use the definite article to say he needed to protect "the investigations."
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