"... and if it's greedy to want to live, I suppose I'm greedy."

THIS is what this fucking election means.

I am a noted progressive. I supported Sanders on both campaign trails. (1/c) https://twitter.com/TheLemonyLiam/status/1282789163079733250
I regularly spread details about super progressive candidates in all levels of government as I see information about them. I absolutely fucking despise both the incumbent republican candidate in one Donald J. Trump and the democratic candidate in former Vice President (2/c)
Joseph R. Biden.

Hell, I'm honestly more of a green party voter, all things considered.

However, I recognize the weight that this election has. It isn't just which rich and corrupt white guy controls the nation for the next four years. It's about Senate seats (3/c)
It's about Governorship, House Seats, State governments, Local governments, Supreme Justice seats, and the well being of the nation as a whole. It's about our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, those of us with Mental Health Issues, about how all lives can't matter until (4/c)
Black Lives Matter, until the system that is meant to protect us can actually protect us, until it can protect ALL American Citizens.

I understand the necessity of sending a message to those motherfuckers in charge of the DNC. But until we get the most harmful and divisive (5/c)
President of modern times out of office, sending that message would be all for naught.

Please, as a progressive, as a Gay Black man... I ask that you please think about how the actions not voting or voting third party in this election would mean. What it would do to (6/c)
people like me. To people like the person that I quoted at the beginning of this thread. To all of us as a whole. I beg of you. And if you want to make an attempt at change for the better. I ask you to think about voting blue, if you can. And if you know of any (7/c)
Progressive candidates in your area for any office at any level, please vote, donate, and volunteer to help their campaigns, if you can.
Thank you for reading, and if you have any links for donating or volunteering for progressive candidates or any democratic candidate in general, please put them in the replies to this.

Thank you once again.
-Zachary/ Zatch/ Jamie
You can follow @DaAlmightyZatch.
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