if another nation killed 1% of all Americans we'd be at war 4 months ago
Over 407k US soldiers were killed in WW2. To be generous, let's round up to 500k and then take the US's population in 1945 (rounded up to 140 million).
500,000/140,000,000 = a whopping 0.36%
How about all casualties (killed and wounded) of US military in WW2? Okay - rounded up, that's about 1,100,000, which works out to a whole 0.79% of the US's 1945 population.
All these people who are scoffing about a 1% mortality rate wouldn't - or rather, shouldn't - scoff at 1% of Americans killed by Nazis, fascist Italians, or Imperial Japanese. Then again, I guess some Nazis are 'good' people nowadays, right?
US WW2 Casualties from https://www.nationalww2museum.org/ 

1945 US population estimate from US Census Bureau ( http://census.gov )
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