Gonna make a thread just to clear the fake rebels shit
Uneasy about violence// didn’t Ezra throw an ugnaught into a pit of fire and joke about it with kanan? Also you don’t need violence to have a good story, AT ALL
Debuted gimmicky weapons// UNIQUE weapons!! That we haven’t seen in the universe so far, expanding from what we’ve already see with mostly ranges from blasters and sabers. Chewbacca also has a bowcaster, so what’s your point about ezras?
Horrible art style// just because it’s different than what we’ve seen doesn’t make the art style horrible. The ghost crews design is amazing, the only thing people have a problem with is the tcw characters animation because it’s different.
The empire is a joke// season 4??? Thrawn?? The inquisitors?? Rebels EXPANDS on the empire and makes them more of a terrifying villain, in the movies we see a few big ranked villains, rebels gives us so many more interesting ones.
Characters are one dimensional and have stereotypes// through rebels we see lots of growth in every character, Ezra goes from street kid to Jedi, kanan finds himself through Ezra, Sabine tackles her own family issues and unites everyone. They aren’t one dimensional???
Clone wars characters were bought in to spark interest// no. These characters were bought in to connect both stories. Most of them remain side characters throughout the whole show. The show itself mostly just focuses on the ghost crew
You see, people think these things because they WANT to see the bad in rebels and not focus on the good stuff. End of thread
Also, Luke in return of the Jedi is literally like nope. No violence and surrenders his weapon... it’s a star war, not the end of the world. Not everything is violent and not everything has to be
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